Deep Rest



Dec.5, 2021

3-5pm EST

Online Class with ZOOM

SKU: 987654-1 Categories: ,

DEEP REST Sunday, Dec.5, 2021, 3-5pm EST

Rest is an essential component in fascial health.

It restores and resets cellular tone to build the superstability to thrive in a changing world.

We're born pre-tensed, tuned to our unique base note, but the extra tension we carry in our bodies wreaks havoc on our delicate fascial web and makes cellular rest illusive.

Join us to rest and reset your nervous system the fascial way, in the body of your somatosensory nervous system. That is your original nervous system; the consciousness that holds your CNS, the consciousness of your fascial matrix.

Recover the rhythmic pulsation of your original tone – a vital part of your vital-energetic health.

Price: $50. Replays available for 3 months.

Optional props: rollers, gymnioball, corgeous ball, IKO-Ball, Feedback Loop


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